15:00-16:00: Harvest seeds.
9:00-9:50: ML1 Insertion activation line 61~121 preparation: Tape the number tag.
9:50-10:50: Make ecotype stocks (3 and 4).
10:50-11:00: Set up plate sterilization (as described before).
11:00-11:40: Wash and rinse plates.
11:40-12:00: Wash and dry petri dishes.
12:00-13:40: Inoculate plants with 0.1A ES524 using syringe.
14:20-17:30: Make ecotype 3&4, ML1 Insertion 61~121 stocks in 96-well plates:
ecotype: Add 200 micro litre MS+MES media to two plates with ecotype seeds.
ML1: 1) Add 250 micro litre media to each tube with seeds;
2) Transfer 50 micro litre solution from each tube to the well of 96-well plates (four replica prepared);
3) Add 150 micro litre media to each well.
4) Add 200 micro litre media to the outer wells without seeds.
Stick aroud the plates and freeze in fridge.
17:30-18:10: Transfer leaf tissue from inoculated plants to petri dish to obtain bacteria growth curve.
9:00-10:00: Wash and dry petri dishes.
10:00-10:50: Make replica dishes for ESTM 3 &4 and incubate at 28 C.
10:50-11:20: Wash and rinse 96-well plates.
11:20-12:00: Wash and dry sleeve tubes.
13:00-15:30: Harvest seeds.
15:40-16:30: RNA extraction.
9:00-12:00: Wash and dry trays and tubes used for seed harvesting.
In the mean time, 10:00-10:30: Autocleaving training session held.
12:00-12:30: Karl’s 24th b-day party (strawberry cake + pineapple).
12:30-18:45: bacteria inoculating experiment:
1) Transfer bacteira colony from petri dish to two 96-well plates labelled ESTM 1&2.
2) Calibrate bacteria concentration in two 96-well plates to be 0.1(?) with specially-designed plates and Optima spectrum reader and by adding proper amount of bacteria and MS + MES media (very time-consuming).
3) Dilute concentrations of two plates to 0.004 by mixing 8 micro-litre bacteria solution with 192 micro-litre MS+MES media.
4) Inoculate bacteria to Col-0 seedling plate 1and 2 (prepared in week 1)by adding 10 micro-litre diluted bacteria solution to each of the well. Three replicates are made for each of the plate.
18:50-19:30: CSB spring BBQ (RW010). Coming too late, with only cake and pop avail.