more on the renilla GFP

I was reading this paper and accidentally came across my new friend, the sea pansy derived GFP. A couple of fusion protein reporters, this time: Npy-hrGFP and POMC-hrGFP. hr here stands for humanized renilla. The researchers who generated these transgenic mice claimed that “the hrGFP expressed from this transgene is more stable and resistant to signal fading compared to other GFP’s”. This is an interesting note and probably true because the eGFP version for both transgenes were available beforehand. A stable signal is definitely important for accurate cell counting, neuronal tracing, optogenetics and all imaging methods.
Just a bit more search on this. Some reports, here and here, claimed that hrGFP is less toxic than regular GFP when expressed in vivo. The evidence is not substantial. And who knows if a humanized version of the aqua GFP is even safer?
2012年2月6日 时光倒流七十年

这个夏天你做了什么 6: 局内人

街上人不多.只发出零散的声响. 偶尔有锻炼的人红着脸喘着粗气经过,在十字路口扶着路灯杆子停下.
“幸好我站在路边看着这一切” k想到. (more…)


今天我去理发. 街上雪很大,天很冷. 我很疲惫. 我想要生活停下脚步的渴望和盼雪停下一样强烈.
今天只想好好放松一下. 去掉沉重的头发的负担, 沉重的大衣的负担. 沉重的我的负担.

我信步走进一家厅堂透亮,看起来很舒服的沙龙. 我在这片大陆还没理过20块以上的发. 但今天我只想大大方方的有沙发可以坐下看看杂志,有衣架可以挂沾了雪的大衣,有人问我要咖啡,茶或是水.

我不得不承认,在理发店最大的享受是洗头的时候. 彬彬有礼的小姑娘用水占一下我的头发,问道<这样的温度合适吗>.我闭上眼睛,尽情让她用她的手指在发间来回拨弄. 那种近乎高潮的感觉, 仿佛带我进入了<画船听雨眠>的世界. 以至于我情不自禁对她说<这是我一天最美好的时刻>的时候,她只有腼腆的笑了.

理发的时候, 我在想,是不是长久以来,自己都忽视了生活的质量和舒适. 在这里,我习惯了自己动手. 我自己做饭,自己洗衣,自己开车,甚至自己打枪. 能自己做的事,绝不用别人提供的服务. 或许是时候时不时体验下饭店里明灭的烛光,精致的菜肴和侍者慢慢的把餐具在眼前放成完美的角度; 把所有衣物丢给洗衣店,隔天取回一件件包好的,熨得平平整整的衬衣和裤子;或者不用自己急忙赶着开车,而是坐在平稳到感觉不到在行驶的豪华轿车里,一边喝着酒,一边听着清冷的爵士,舒舒服服的完成一段旅途.
或许生活会不一样. 会变得雅致,不总在匆忙中度过,也有心情欣赏一项活动中的细节体验,而不是只看到起点,终点,和两者之间的通路.

我习惯了自己服务自己. 今天只想好好的被服务一次. 我信步走进了街角的泰式按摩店.

A new GFP source

I spent half an hour trying to figure out how to detect two GFP reporters in the same slice from the first figure in this paper, until I realized that the two GFP molecules are recombinant proteins derived from different species, Aequorea victoria and Renilla reniformis, and therefore recognized by different antibodies. The one from the jellyfish aequorea is the common GFP that we normally use and refer to. And this is the first time I’ve heard a GFP from the sea pansy renilla, so I thought to educate myself a little bit basic molecular biology.
The sea pansy renilla is well-known for the luciferase system it provides, which is similar to the resonance fluorescence we see in the firefly during summer time. The luciferase enzyme does an chemicalluminescent reaction and the product fluoresces. What I didn’t know, and what I learned by doing some wikipedia search, is that, the luciferase system in sea pansy is actually coupled to a GFP molecule, which serves as a fluorescent acceptor and hence gives off the green-yellowish color we see. I couldn’t find a structure of the renilla GFP, but I would assume that the two GFPs have different structure and maybe are a result of convergence.
Since I’ve never heard of this renilla GFP, I wonder how many people are aware of its existence and actually taking any advantage of it. My sense is that it’s rarely thought about. So what could be potential benefits of using two different GFPs?
Given that we now almost have a full spectrum’s worth of fluorescent proteins, adding another GFP seems redundant. Imaging cells in cultures using a combination of BFP, CFP, GFP, mCherry and mKate is so widely used and working great. GFP and TdTomato is widely used for imaging in vivo or by immunohistochemistry. Using another GFP might give you a little edge over TdTomato here because of the dimerization of TdTomato, which makes tracking membrane cytoskeletal proteins difficult. GFP on the other hand is a really good monomer to be fused with other proteins. An alternative is to use mKate, a far-red fluorescent protein. It’s relatively new and seems working fine in in vivo imaging at least in here, even though just as a cell tracer. Fusion protein is a totally different situation, although from what I’ve heard and my own stuff, mKate works pretty good too.
Another way of utilizing this GFP is to engineer new optical tools. Since the renilla GFP is a totally different structure, there might be room for tweaks for something cool.

PINK, parkin and mitophagy: a not-so-clear path

Parkinson’s disease is a partially complex genetic disease with roughly 15% of the cases being familial and early onset. A half dozen or so genes have been linked to the familial form of PD and collectively explains a third of the heritability in this category, which, by the way, is a pretty good number comparing to other degenerative disorders.
Parkin is the most common disease genes found in familial PD and not surprisingly has been the focus of the field for quite some time. A central mechanism regarding parkin function after a decade or so work is that, parkin, when activated by its upstream regulator PINK1, a Ser/Thr kinase, is translocated to mitochondria, where it is believed to instruct mitophagy and alleviate cellular stress.
It reminds me of my first real scientific activity, a threesome project, which involved biochemical interactions between three PD proteins: Pink, Parkin and Parl. Parl is a mitochondrial-resident protease. Its action on PINK is required for PINK1 localization and activity.