A colleague of mine, a former postoc in the lab, Chris Deppmann, has just published his first paper as an independent investigator at UVA. I’m really glad to see this story finally come out as this was one of his first projects during his postdoc and now and then I can still see some of his random reagents and constructs used in this project floating around in the lab freezer.
The paper is about NGF, which is the field I’m in right now too. This study aims to tackle a central question of the NGF biology: how can retrograde NGF/TrkA signal have a long-lasting activity and downstream effect, unlike other growth factor-receptor tyrosine kinase system such as EGF/EGFR?
Part of the answer might be…..coronin. Coronin has been implicated in the survival of mycobacteria in macrophages via lysosome escaping. Similarly here in neurons, retrogradely transported NGF endosomes in cell bodies containing coronin are less frequently and more slowly fused with lysosomes. The problem here is that, they use lysotracker as a lysosome marker. At least in my hands, and from other people, this is not a reliable way of labeling lysosome in cultures for a prolonged time. Since lysotracker is in the cells for over 10hrs in most of their experiments, I doubt the identity of the labeled vesicles.
An interesting point in this part of the story is that, it appears, from both their ICC and functional study, that the association of TrkA endosome with coronin happens only in cell bodies but not in axons and growth cones. While this is consistent with the macrophagy system and might make more sense since lysosomes are highly aggregated in cell bodies, it does (almost) rule out a protective role of coronin in axons during the transport process. And I think it’s still an open question that whether there’s an active mechanism to allow TrkA endosomes to evade degradation in axons.
Next they raised a really novel role of coronin in the recycling and transcytosis of TrkA in cell bodies. They first showed that Rab11 association with TrkA requires coronin.then, using a recycling assay developed by Francis Lee’s group, which basically can specifically label a receptor that’s inserted into plasma membrane, internalized and then recycled back, they showed coronin is necessary for the transcytosis of TrkA. The problem here is that, they can’t distinguish membrane-bound TrkA versus the ones that undergo endocytosis again. Stripping off the fluorescent signal for membrane TrkA, in my mind, is the way to go.
They conclude that coronin sustains NGF/TrkA signal by preventing lysosomal fusion on one hand and by promoting TrkA recycling on the other hand. In this way, there’s less degradation and at the same time there is more receptor recycling. But they never got a way to separate the two situations. It’s natural to think that, if you block one route, in order to have some kind of equilibrium, there’s gotta be more in the other route. In this case, increasing recycling could be a consequence of shutting down degradation, or vice versa. And their Fig4a can’t help here because the number of TrkA punctae quantified here, is again, a combination of both membrane and cytosolic TrkA. One way to address this is to do the stripping assay in addition to the recycling assay so that you can tell if there’s indeed more recycling. Another control experiment one can do is to block recycling (I don’t have a great small molecule inhibitor on top of my head, but certainly a dominant negative Rab11 should do) and to see if there’s more degradation and vice versa.
But the recycling hypothesis is certainly an attractive way of sustaining signal. If no recycling, all the receptors are routed to the degradation pathway. Now you have a recycling mechanism that allows a portion of the receptors to go back to plasma membrane. This basically buys a round of endocytosis-worth of time for them to signal, and depending on how long they are internalized again, the signal can be prolonged for minutes and hours. As a result, the retrogradely transmitted signal is prolonged by converting part of it to a more local signal eminent from the cell body, which is released with some delay. The killer question here though is whether those recylced receptors can bring more signal. again, that’s an open question.
从电视,电脑,到网络,通信的发达,从开始的聊天室,到即时通讯,博客,及至现在的微博,交流变得越来越即时,无间.对知识的索取,汇聚能力也越来越强,越来越方便.不消说,我们喜爱这样的改变.舒适,便捷,消遣.而在”娱乐至死”这个话题里,这所有的一切新科技的对立,都只是纸质文化,书籍和阅读.看书慢,挑选合意的书也慢,书上难有最新的更变. (more…)
if I had a belief
If I had a belief/
It would be in girls/
Their eyes are sparkling/
Their fingers are dancing/
Their faces are pale/
Just like the blouse they’re wearing.
If I had a dream/
It would be in women/
Their hair is wavy/
Their body is fleshy/
Their tear is wet/
Just like their pussy.
If I had a belief/
It would be girls/
Their love is pure/
Their mind is pristine/
Their breath is all subtle bursts/
Just like the freckles on their skin/
If I had a dream/
It would be in women/
Their heart is volcano/
Their soul is steel/
Their tits are bumpy/
Just like the sound of their high heels.
我站在天桥上, 下面是两排空荡荡的铁轨, 枕木的缝里长出了青草. 月台的顶棚上是一块深一块浅的煤屑, 也生了绿色的植被, 和白色的小花.
太阳很大, 我却很冷, 两只手抖动的厉害. 不知道是因为紧张还是心慌. 一点胃口也没有, 干的嘴唇费力的吞着唾沫. 头也变得僵硬. 视线模糊.
我闻到的满是煤油的味道. 呛鼻却忍不住多嗅几口.
我拖着冰冷的身子, 盯着陌生的房间.
有两个杯子, 一个装了五厘米高的水, 一个空的. 有两个淡黄色的瓷碗, 里面各有一只勺, 和一点麦片的碎屑. 两把椅子, 面对面在木板书桌的两侧. 其中一把上摊着一件睡衣. 另一件扔在床上. 洗衣篓里堆满了衣服.
百叶窗斜着, 阳光透了进来. 满是灰尘.
2011年9月12日 中秋