Day 22

Jun 16 Tue overcast w/ shower sometime in the day

9:00-9:50: ML1 activation line set up.
9:50-11:00: Make ecotype 7&8 stocks.
11:00-11:55: Make ecotype retest seed stock for sterilization.
12:45-14:05: Prepare KB, LB and MS agar media and autoclave.
14:05-14:25: Make ESTM 7&8 replica plates.
14:25-15:05: Wash 96w plates.
15:05-16:30: Make plant and bacteria growth media plates with certain antibiotics added to the media prepared.
16:30-19:00: Make ML1 182~242 media stocks (four replicates) and ecotype 7&8 media stock.


Day 21

Jun 16 Mon overcast w/ afternoon shower
9:00-10:30: Wash and rinse 96w plates.
10:30-11:50: Ecotype 1&2 retest set up (two replicates): Col-0, #5, #10 and La-er.
12:50-15:50: Transplant ecotype #74, #10, #8 and Col-0 from pot to tray of soil.
                    Wash and rinse trays and pots.
15:50-16:05: Recycle beads from leaf tissue solutions.
16:05-17:15: Make media stocks for Col-0 (6)and ecotype retesting plates prepared this morning.
1) 球星到场与否或许真可以决定比赛:譬如德国;譬如捷克.
2) 最近豆瓣上有关红楼梦的书评陡增,甚为不解.


2). Tara: 你写的文字实在太漂亮了.即使不经意的几句话也能勾勒出美妙的图景.可惜SPAZE不能留言,不然一定要写一篇长长的颂词.

Day 20

Jun 13 Fri sunny w/ evening t-storm
           ——————- a day being doomed

9:00-10:30: Treat ML1 61~121 line with two micro litres of DMSO or Smex (two plates each) for each well. Then stick around and store in dark for six hours or more.
10:30-11:40: Set up growth assay experiment: Prepare 93 tubes with a bead and 200 micro litres of MgCl2 media. Then label each tube to the corresponding plant being inoculated.
13:00-15:40: Set up growth assay: Remove and transfer the four labeled leaves that were syringed by pathogen from each plant to the corresponding tube.

Make leaf tissue solution using bead beater as described before.
15:50-18:00: Make .04 stocks for pathogen #500&524 and inoculate to Ecotype 3&4 and ML1 61~121 line prepared this morning, respectively.

Day 19

Jun 12 Thur overcast

9:00-10:20: Wash plates.
10:30-12:00: Wash and dry trays, sleeves and pots.
12:45-13:45: Observe inoculated Eco1&2 plates (prepared last Fri)under dissecting microscope;
                       Observe inoculated ML1 1~60 +Smex line under microscope to look for bleached phenotype.
13:45-14:40: Make MS+MES media stocks for Col-0 (6) and ecotype 5&6 in 96-well plates.
14:40-15:20: Rack tips.