Day 20

Jun 13 Fri sunny w/ evening t-storm
           ——————- a day being doomed

9:00-10:30: Treat ML1 61~121 line with two micro litres of DMSO or Smex (two plates each) for each well. Then stick around and store in dark for six hours or more.
10:30-11:40: Set up growth assay experiment: Prepare 93 tubes with a bead and 200 micro litres of MgCl2 media. Then label each tube to the corresponding plant being inoculated.
13:00-15:40: Set up growth assay: Remove and transfer the four labeled leaves that were syringed by pathogen from each plant to the corresponding tube.

Make leaf tissue solution using bead beater as described before.
15:50-18:00: Make .04 stocks for pathogen #500&524 and inoculate to Ecotype 3&4 and ML1 61~121 line prepared this morning, respectively.


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