Day 34

July 7 Mon sunny

9:00-10:25: ESTM inoculation preparation: #15-18.
10:25-10:50: Col-0 plate sterilization set up.
10:50-11:20: Tri-parental mating set up.
11:20-11:35: Record ESTM 9&10 results.
11:35-12:45: .0002 524/3G3/5F8 inoculum preparation.
13:30-14:40: Inoculate plants in soil w/ inoculum using syringe.
14:40-15:25: Prepare MS+MES media stocks for Col-0.
15:25-16:00: Wash plates.
16:00-16:40: Make inoculation experiment Day-0 growth assay. And grow rest of the plants in growth chamber.

Day 33

July 4 Fri sunny

9:00-10:20: KB media preparation.
10:20-10:40: ESTM 9&10 result check.
10:50-11:40: Make dilution series of the selected wells with non-bleached phenotype as well as the control and set up growth assay.
11:40-13:00: Prepare Col-0 seedling stocks (24).
14:00: Autoclave KB bottles prepared this morning.
14:10-15:00: Wash plates.
15:00-16:10: Make KB media plates with antibiotics Kan&St.
16:20-17:15: Harvest seeds.