Day 62


Aug 18 Mon sunny w/ evening storm

9:00-10:15: Restreak ESTM 32, 39~41 from glycerol stock.
10:15-12:50: ESTM retest: Inoculate plants with .0002 bac. strains.
13:40-14:30: Recover plasmid DNA from bac. solution using alkaline buffer with SDS.
14:30-15:15: Prepare MS media for Col-0 seedling plates.
15:15-15:25: Data recording.
15:25-16:15: ESTM growth assay Day 0 set up: Obtain leaf tissue solution from three samples of each strain and plate out the dilution series.
16:15-16:40: PCR set up for the extracted plasmid DNA.
16:40-17:10: PCR set up for initial bac. strains digested with another set of restriction enzyme (E/P).

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