Day 25

Jun 20 Fri overcast

9:00-11:00: Make Col-0 stock in 96w plates (20).
11:00-12:00: Paper review.
12:40-14:40: Make bacteria growth media from Col-0 media stock.
14:40-15:10: Wash 96w plates.
15:10-16:10: Make .004 pathogen #524 media and inoculate it to Ecotype #5.
16:10-17:00: Restreak bacteria from ESTM plates with non-bleached phenotype to petri dish.

Day 23

Jun 18 Wed overcast
9:00-10:30: ESTM 5&6 inoculation plate recording for plants w/ non-bleached phenotype.
                  Make dilution series for these wells as well as the negative controls to observe bacteria growth.
10:30-12:00: ESTM 7&8 inoculation prep: make .004 bacteria plates.
12:40-15:30: ESTM 7&8 inoculation
15:30-16:20: Ecotype retest seeding prep: pour seeds onto petri dish w/ MSagar media and dry.
16:20-16:50: Wash 96w plates.