Homo sapiens is the most closely-related organism to us in evolution, thus providing the best opportunity to study biological functions and diseases in our own species. however, human-model research is hampered by several limitations including: long generation time (~10 months), small litter size (~1-2), and most importantly yet most uncontrollable, low mating successful rate. the last factor might be, in part, due to the highly complex nature of the species, both physically and mentally. and there is little, if not none, investigations regarding this issue. here we provide a few observations in attempt to identify some of the variables that possibly in control of the mating process. rather than trying to explain the issue, our study rasies more open-ended questions in human mating.
1. 火车上.他和她.邂逅.聊天.火花.激情.
note 1.1: human mating is easy and highly efficient providing proximity, yet the detailed intermediate mechanism is unknown.
2. 大雨. 天桥下. 她躲雨. 流浪汉躺在报纸上. 无事.
note 1.2: proximity is not sufficient for successful mating. the environmental setup and the attributes of each human have to be considered, potentially.
3. 大雨. 天桥下. 她躲雨. 他开车路过. 激情.
note 1.3: controlled for the environmental setup and the attributes of the female. the successful mating in this condition (n = 15, p < 0.01) indicates the attributes of the male is involved.
1. 晚归. 争吵. 同床. 异梦.
note 2.1: successive matings between the same pair of humans is not guaranteed. experiences immediately prior to the normal mating time are likely to be the cause, yet vairous potential triggering events need to be further investigated.
2. 饭局. 大醉. 同床. 无事.
note 2.2: another anti-mating experience is identified. further conditions controlling the physical and psychological perspectives need to be considered. an unbiased population-based screening for pro and anti mating conditions is suggested.
1. 宾馆. 夜不归宿. 家. 独守空房.
note 3.1: male human can mate with different female human providing proximity with high successful rate. the reciprocal pairing one female with different males is a logical next step to study.
2. 写字楼. 加班. 家. 叙旧. 激情.
note 3.2: evidence supporting the reciprocal conclusion.
3. 写字楼. 加班. 家. 电话. 嘘寒问暖.
note 3.3: evidence against the reciprocal conclusion. while male humans can be successfully mated with different females with high efficiency, the reciprocal seems controversial.