May 27 Tue overcast9:00-11:00: Make freeze stock for transposon inoculated bacteria.11:00-12:00: Make ecotype stock (seeds from harvesting; two 96-well plates).12:35-13:00: Sterilize plates w/ ecotype and seeds from ML1 insertion line by chlorin gas for three and half hours.13:30-14:50: Wash plant trays.15:00-16:00: Harvest seeds (one […]
Category: 日记独白
Day 6
May 26 Mon Sunny w/ early shower 9:00-11:00: Harvest seeds (two trays). 11:10-12:00: Rinse 96-well plates. 12:45-16:00: Make transposon stocks (7 plates). 16:10-17:45: Harvest seeds (one tray).
b4 Day 6
May 19 Mon ~ May 25 Sun Off workTrip to Van couver and EdmontonConference at University of Alberta
Day 5
9:00-12:20: Transfer seeds (676 in total).13:00-14:30: Transfer Col-0 non-sterile seeds to 96-well plates (6).14:30-16:20: Replica plate bacteria to selective plates with the same two antibiotics(4).
Day 4
Thur May 15 sunny 9:00-10:00: Transfer seeds.10:00-11:00: Lab meeting. Two paper discussed in DD & DG lab.11:00-12:00: Transfer seeds cont’d.12:40-13:40: Harvest seeds.13:50-14:50: Transfer seeds.15:00-17:00: Replica plate the colonies from selective plates incubated to new plates with the same two antibiotics.17:00-18:00: Transer seeds.