This paper from Janelia Farm is fucking so cool and nearly flawless to me simply because I can’t understand most part of it. They are studying transcription factor dynamics and mechanisms of chromatin binding and motif searching. Their raw data were acquired with extremely sophisticated […]
Category: SCIENCE
with a little help from my friends
This is no doubt the most influential and magnificent sculpture in biomedical sciences. This monument should be erected at the front door of every single research building. Look at the fine structure. Look at how delicate the paws are. Look at those innocent yet […]
brain disease and transposable element
This work from Chris Walsh’s group is an elegant example linking human genetics, mouse genetics and molecular biology. The disease of question is polymicrogyria, meaning too many small gyri on the surface of brain grey matter. Key to the design for their success: phenotypic […]
more on the renilla GFP
I was reading this paper and accidentally came across my new friend, the sea pansy derived GFP. A couple of fusion protein reporters, this time: Npy-hrGFP and POMC-hrGFP. hr here stands for humanized renilla. The researchers who generated these transgenic mice claimed that “the hrGFP expressed […]
A new GFP source
I spent half an hour trying to figure out how to detect two GFP reporters in the same slice from the first figure in this paper, until I realized that the two GFP molecules are recombinant proteins derived from different species, Aequorea victoria and Renilla […]