July 28 Mon sunny 9:00-12:10: ESTM Growth Assay in KB/seedling media preparation for 8B7/10B7/524 (ctrl). 11:00-11:20: Col-0 seedling plates sterilization. 13:10-13:50: KB media preparation. 13:55-14:30: Restreak ESTM 27~30 from glycerol stocks. 14:30-15:30: Prepare media plates for Col-0 seedling (14). 15:40-17:50: Prepare KB media […]
Category: 日记独白
Day 48
July 25 Fri sunny 9:00-11:20: Col-0 seedling plates preparation (30).11:20-11:45: Restreak 8B7&10B7.11:45-12:20: Wash plates.13:30-16:10: Harvest seeds.
Day 47
July 24 Thur sunny 9:00-10:00: Rack tips. 10:00-11:10: Wash plates. 11:10-12:30: Ecotype mutagenesis recording. 13:30-14:00: Recording cont’d. 14:00-15:00: Seminar on P. syringae nutrition. 15:00-15:30: Recording cont’d.
Day 46
July 23 Wed sunny 9:00-12:30: ESTM 23&24 inoculation expt.13:15-16:00: ESTM 25&26 inoculation expt.16:00-17:10: ESTM 19~22 retesting.
Day 45
July 22 Tue sunny 9:00-10:00: Restreak ESTM 23~26.10:00-11:15: Transplant two trays of Col-0.11:20-12:30: Wash trays.14:00-14:30: HR test recording: take pictures for one of each leaves inoculated with bacteria strains.14:30-15:05: Wash plates.